Create a form against a model type different from the page model

Similar to the examples and reasoning discussed in the documentation for changing HTML helper model types it's useful to be able to create forms against an arbitrary model unrelated to the page model or create a form against a subproperty of the parent model.

This can be achieved using the default form template by using these overloads to the BeginChameleonForms extension method:

/// <summary>
/// Constructs a <see cref="Form{TModel}"/> object with the default ChameleonForms template renderer using a sub-property of the current model as the model.
/// Values will bind back to the model type of the sub-property as if that was the model all along.
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// @using (var f = Html.BeginChameleonFormFor(m => m.Subproperty, ...)) {
///     ...
/// }
/// </example>
/// <typeparam name="TParentModel">The model type of the view</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TChildModel">The model type of the sub-property to construct the form for</typeparam>
/// <param name="helper">The HTML Helper for the current view</param>
/// <param name="formFor">A lambda expression identifying the sub-property to construct the form for</param>
/// <param name="action">The action the form should submit to</param>
/// <param name="method">The HTTP method the form submission should use</param>
/// <param name="htmlAttributes">Any HTML attributes the form should use</param>
/// <param name="enctype">The encoding type the form submission should use</param>
/// <returns>A <see cref="Form{TModel}"/> object with an instance of the default form template renderer.</returns>
public static IForm<TChildModel> BeginChameleonFormFor<TParentModel, TChildModel>(this HtmlHelper<TParentModel> helper, Expression<Func<TParentModel, TChildModel>> formFor, string action = "", FormMethod method = FormMethod.Post, HtmlAttributes htmlAttributes = null, EncType? enctype = null)

/// <summary>
/// Constructs a <see cref="Form{TModel}"/> object with the default ChameleonForms template renderer using the given model type and instance.
/// Values will bind back to the model type specified as if that was the model all along.
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// @using (var f = Html.BeginChameleonFormFor(new AnotherModelType(), ...)) {
///     ...
/// }
/// @using (var f = Html.BeginChameleonFormFor(default(AnotherModelType), ...)) {
///     ...
/// }
/// </example>
/// <remarks>
/// This can also be done using the For() extension method and just a type:
/// @using (var f = Html.For&lt;AnotherModelType&gt;().BeginChameleonForm(...)) {
///     ...
/// }
/// </remarks>
/// <typeparam name="TOriginalModel">The model type of the view</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TNewModel">The model type of the sub-property to construct the form for</typeparam>
/// <param name="helper">The HTML Helper for the current view</param>
/// <param name="model">The model to use for the form</param>
/// <param name="action">The action the form should submit to</param>
/// <param name="method">The HTTP method the form submission should use</param>
/// <param name="htmlAttributes">Any HTML attributes the form should use</param>
/// <param name="enctype">The encoding type the form submission should use</param>
/// <returns>A <see cref="Form{TModel}"/> object with an instance of the default form template renderer.</returns>
public static IForm<TNewModel> BeginChameleonFormFor<TOriginalModel, TNewModel>(this HtmlHelper<TOriginalModel> helper, TNewModel model, string action = "", FormMethod method = FormMethod.Post, HtmlAttributes htmlAttributes = null, EncType? enctype = null)


The examples on the documentation for changing HTML helper model types are restated below, but in terms of a ChameleonForm instead of using Html to output the form:

@model LoginViewModel

@using (var f = Html.BeginChameleonForm()) {
    using (var s = f.BeginSection()) {
        @s.FieldFor(m => m.Username)
        @s.FieldFor(m => m.Password)
    using (var n = f.BeginNavigation()) {

<h2>Don't have an account?</h2>
<p>You can easily create a new account in seconds - just start by selecting a username below.</p>
@using (var f = Html.BeginChameleonFor(default(SignupStep1ViewModel))) {
    using (var s = f.BeginSection) {
        @s.FieldFor(m => m.Username).Placeholder("Enter your preferred username")
    using (var n = f.BeginNavigation()) {
        @n.Submit("Begin signup - check if my username is available &raquo;".ToHtml())


@model SomeViewModel

<h1>Creating new xyz against @Model.Title</h1>
@using (var f = Html.BeginChameleonFormFor(m => m.InputModel)) {
    using (var s = f.BeginSection()) {
        @s.FieldFor(m => m.Property1)
        @s.FieldFor(m => m.Property2)
        @s.FieldFor(m => m.Property3)
        @s.FieldFor(m => m.Property4)
        @s.FieldFor(m => m.Property5)
    using (var n = f.BeginNavigation()) {

See also the examples in the source code.

Creating a form for a sub-property that binds back to the parent

This is still easily possible, but it's just a little more verbose since it's likely to be a less common use case:

@using (var f = Html.For(m => m.Child, bindFieldsToParent: true).BeginChameleonForm(...)) { ... }