Enum Fields

If you want the user to specify a value from an enum you can use that enum type against a model property, e.g.:

public enum MyEnum  { ... }
public MyEnum EnumField { get; set; } // automatically required since it's non-nullable
public MyEnum? RequiredNullableEnumField { get; set; } // Required, but can start off as an empty value
public MyEnum? NullableEnumField { get; set; } // Not required

If you want the user to select multiple enum values you can either use a flags enum or a list of enums.

Default HTML

Non-nullable enum (drop-down with no empty option)

When using the Default Field Generator then the default HTML of the Field Element for a non-nullable enum will be:

<select %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%" name="%propertyName%">
%foreach enum value x%
    <option value="%x.ToString()%">%x.Humanize()%</option>

Note: See below to understand what the effect of .ToString() and .Humanize() are.

Nullable enum (drop-down with empty option)

<select %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%" name="%propertyName%">
    <option selected="selected" value="">%noneDescription%</option>
%foreach enum value x%
    <option value="%x.ToString()%">%x.Humanize()%</option>

Explanation and example

x.ToString means the string representation of the enum value and x.Humanize() means converting the enum value to a human-readable string using the awesome Humanizer library. This will automatically convert camel-cased enum values to sentence case and pick up any usage of [Description]; read the documentation for more information including how to perform localisation.

As an example, if you had the following enum:

public enum AnEnum

And you had a property on your model like:

public AnEnum EnumValue { get; set; }

Then by default the Field Element HTML would be (if you auto-sentence case labels and don't specify extra HTML attributes):

<select data-val="true" data-val-required="The Enum value field is required." id="EnumValue" name="EnumValue">
    <option value="Singleword">Singleword</option>
    <option value="MultipleWords">Multiple words</option>
    <option value="CustomDescription">Custom-description!</option>


Display as list of radio buttons

You can force an enum field to display as a list of radio buttons rather than a drop-down using the AsRadioList method on the Field Configuration, e.g.:

@s.FieldFor(m => m.EnumField).AsRadioList()
@s.FieldFor(m => m.NullableEnumField).AsRadioList()

This will change the default HTML for the non-nullable enum field and the Required nullable enum field as shown above to:

%foreach enum value x with increment i %
    <li><input %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%_%i%" name="%propertyName%" type="radio" value="%x.ToString()%" /> <label for="%propertyName%_%i%">%x.Humanize()%</label></li>

And it will change the default HTML for the non-Required nullable enum field as shown above to:

    <li><input checked="checked" %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%_1" name="%propertyName%" type="radio" value="" /> <label for="%propertyName%_1">%noneDescription%</label></li>
%foreach enum value x with increment i%
    <li><input %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%_%i+1%" name="%propertyName%" type="radio" value="%x.ToString()%" /> <label for="%propertyName%_%i+1%">%x.Humanize()%</label></li>

Change the text description of none

When you display a nullable enum field as a drop-down or a non-Required nullable enum field as a list of radio buttons you can change the text that is used to display the none value to the user. By default the text used is an empty string for the drop-down and None for the radio button. To change the text simply use the WithNoneAs method, e.g.:

@s.FieldFor(m => m.NullableEnumField).WithNoneAs("No value")

This will change the default HTML for the nullable enum field as shown above to:

<select %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%" name="%propertyName%">
    <option selected="selected" value="">No value</option>
    @* Enum values as <options>... *@

Hide empty item

If you have a nullable enum field then it will show the empty item and this item will be selected by default if the field value is null. If for some reason you want a nullable enum, but you would also like to hide the empty item you can do so with the HideEmptyItem method in the Field Configuration, e.g.:

@s.FieldFor(m => m.NullableEnumField).HideEmptyItem()

This will change the default HTML for the nullable enum field as shown above to:

<select %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%" name="%propertyName%">
    @* Enum values as <options>... *@

Exclude specific enum values

If there are some enum values you want to exclude from showing up as options then you can do so with the Exclude method in the Field Configuration, e.g.:

@s.FieldFor(m => m.EnumField).Exclude(MyEnum.Value1, MyEnum.Value3)